Heavy War Bow 130lb destroys Arrow


50 cal. bow and arrow
Finally, I am able to thumb draw this Manchu Bow. Measured originally 145lb@33.4″ (metric = 66kg @84.8cm) but I’m only doing 32″ for now. This is the heaviest manchu bow I know made of fiberglass. It’s harder to pull than the Hungarian bow of similar draw weight, due to the higher initial draw weight and force draw curve.

Apparently, this arrow is too weak. I might need 2000 grain arrows of 3/4 inch thickness lol.
#Shorts #archery #warbow #50cal

URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1k9p9ChbomI
動画ID 1k9p9ChbomI
投稿者 Historical Archery
再生時間 00:25
