As The Blade Turns: Words and Actions (Victor Petrenko, Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkin, Dr. Shvetsky)


Viktor Petrenko has been axed as vice-president of the Ukrainian Figure Skating Federation (UFSF) and dismissed from the organisation over his involvement in a Russian ice show.

The Olympic gold medallist participated in the “The Scarlet Flower” show at the Sochi Park Arena on Friday (July 8).

The event was organised by Tatiana Navka, an Olympic ice dance champion who is married to Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Ukrainian-born Petrenko performed alongside Russian figure skating stars including Kamila Valieva.

The 53-year-old’s decision to take part in the show has left the UFSF “outraged” and agreed to expell him from the national governing body.

Meanwhile,. Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkin were recently monitored by a topic U.S. Figure Skating ice dance judge. Davis and Smolkin assert that they are Russian figure skating team members. What do their words say and what do their actions say?

Dr. Shvetsky gave an extensive interview about the Kamila Valieva doping scandal. How do his words and actions match up? It’s another edition of ‘As The Blade Turns.’

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михаил коляда 2022, Виктор Петренко, Віктор Петренко, Камила Валиева

動画ID cjm8ttCVFJI
投稿者 TheSkatingLesson
再生時間 47:06

