Oopsie! Gina Aitken shows why you don’t measure curling rocks from the outside edge!


2019 MadTown DoubleDown
Gina Aitken/Scott Andrews vs Madison Bear/Andrew Stopera

0:43 (Bear draws to the button against 3)
2:42 Bear: “I’m not laughing at you […]”
2:54 Aitken: “I don’t see it moving this one either, […], am I doing something wrong?”
3:10 Aitken: “Oh my god! That just moved!”
3:35 Stopera: “Like, I’m not blaming you guys for moving the stone…”
3:44 Andrews: “Well, if we moved that when we’re measuring then it goes to one red…”

Full game: https://youtu.be/gFG4jskh5XM?list=PLtyKx77cdKX2hno5l6bC0GGp80gb8N3B4&t=35m07s

URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SalLRU1qEhE
動画ID SalLRU1qEhE
投稿者 Curling Clips
再生時間 04:41
